Elevate your health, eliminate self doubt, and expand your energy

Get your body and mind in best condition possible, transform your health to elevate your wealth, so you can do more of what makes life worthwhile with the people you love for as long as possible.

Growth that supports all areas of your life and simple process that feels completely aligned.

Opening the Rewire Doors for a Limited Time Only!

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You're not a beginner. It's fair to say you've researched and learned a lot about health and fitness. 

And you know what you need to do. But doing it feels so so difficult. Almost out of reach like you've got an invisible bungee chord that keeps pinging you back to square one. 

Your business may be in it's ascension and professionally you are flying but if you're health feels anything but with your energy on the opposite trajectory, then you are not alone friend. 

Maybe you have found that you have seen your image of yourself take a nose dive.

Or you spend so much time holding the energy and space of others that it feels like no one does this for you.

Maybe you have moved less, feeling frankly exhausted and overwhelmed with the endless list of things to do and find it impossible to say no (recovering over giver here too, I hear ya) 

Maybe some comfort food and wine has got you through some tough times and continues to do so. 

It’s ok. No judgement here. Far from it.

Being human means making choices for yourself in that moment, and doing whatever you need to do.

But what if you could rewire your brain so that you make the best choices possible, over and over again? 

To feel good about who you are, to love who you are, to be your own best  supporter.

To cast off the ideas and stories you have about yourself that have been keeping you from moving forwards.

That’s the way we create lasting change.

Diets, harsh training and making yourself feel like crap when you are already lacking energy leads to...well, feeling even more like crap.

Diet culture is responsible for so much sadness and suffering and at Rebel we have had enough.

You know it. I know it (hands up, we have all been there).

And that’s just not how we roll here.

Rebel has always been about celebrating every win, whatever that looks like for you, at every step.

And now we are upping our game.
*cue Foos on volume 10 and air guitar* 

The Rebel Rewire is our gorgeous 3 month guided group programme to create some self care rituals and habits that last, embed behaviours that work for you, not against you, and to re-discover what feeling good in your body and having more energy actually feels like.

And to have more adventures and fun with that energy, to give life to your years and add colour and richness to this experience of life! 

It might have been a long time since you even felt good in your body, and that’s ok.

No-one is left behind. Not on our watch.

Over 12 weeks, you will:

-Redefine what being in the best health and performing at your best means to you

- Realise that you are your biggest asset and how to look after yourself accordingly

-Remember what it feels like to really feel good in your body and about your body so that you fall in love with taking care of yourself.

- Watch as your health and performance rise and you feel the expansion in your business and personal life 

- Discover how to be your own best supporter, and change your inner critic to a voice of gorgeous, curious, compassion

- Create your own rituals and routine that are perfect for you and exactly how to adjust them to adapt to any of life's curved balls and accommodate your brain and how it works

- To discover how to move and train at your best in a way that’s perfect for you and your body (wherever you are starting from) so you feel empowered and strong.

- To challenge yourself and build your confidence and rewrite your mental script about your abilities

- Create some habits and behaviour changes that mean you totally rewire your beliefs to do the best for your body (no mind control here, obvs, just tiny tweaks, big impact) so you have these in your locker for life. 

- Have a group of other Rebels with you all the way. Team spirit matters, and it keeps us motivated, and we believe that all boats rise with the tide.

- Discover how to eat to fuel yourself whether that's as a parent to have more patience and be more present, in your work to be more confident and productive or to power up your workouts to get you feeling energised, and amazing.

- Get support around habits, mindset and nutrition to totally rewire and reboot the way you roll for good.

- To discover how to get your hormones in balance and feel more like you than you have ever felt

- Remember what it feels like to love your body, to have clothes that fit well, and to get excited to move.

- Have as much accountability and cheerleading as you need, with a 1:1 at the beginning plus weekly live Q&A sessions with me, (Lisa, Head Rebel Coach) so you get the answers you need to feel the way you want to feel. 

After 3 months of Rebel Rewired, you will be strong, vibrant, powerful and empowered, feel more at ease yourself, look and feel more confident, and have everything you need to take it all with you and keep your new habits and behaviours bang on.

Here's what some of our Rebels have to say about their experiences...

It's not just about the physical changes although the visual difference is often obvious, but it doesn't show the increased confidence, the extra energy for life and for business, how good it feels to be looking after themselves the they deserve. 

The most important weight lost isn't the physical. It's the lightness of freeing up head space not worrying about food, the removal of shame and guilt, of having an approach that is yours, that fits your life and adds to it, dare I say it, even removes stress and reduces that overwhelming feeling. 

It's the empowerment and confidence and energy that you will feel from taking control and prioritising you and your needs. 

Client's still send me pictures of themselves in their training (and in their undies!) over 18 months on, to show me their continued progress with everything they learned on the Rewire.

And anything that makes you feel so confident that you're happy posting a photo of yourself in your undies to share with the world whilst feeling so easy that it doesn't feel like a "plan" is something pretty damn cool. Not dieting, just rewiring the way you think about yourself and your approach to food and movement, mind, body and soul.

  • I know what I need to do, this isn't my first rodeo! I just need to do it, so why would I need this?
    Well, the fact that you're here, reading this, means that you're finding it hard to put what you know in to practice. That could be one of two things in my experience -

    1- What you know isn't what is right for you and so of course it's hard to put in to practice. If it's not in alignment then once the excitement has worn off then you're out of here... thus proving the belief right that you never stick at things.

    2 - Your beliefs are what is keeping you stuck. The inner work is our jam, we go within to the subconscious with hypnotherapy, we clear old energy from the past, and we change your conscious beliefs with the exact steps of how to get to how you want to feel for you.

    The support is where it's at, and that is where we go above and beyond.

    You don't need more information. No more what, this is all about the WHY and the HOW. So we can help you show up as exactly the person you want to be.
  • I'm really nervous, I haven't done any exercise for years, will I be fit enough?
    This is a really common worry, you're not on your own, but I gotchooo!

    Making sure that every planned session is pitched to the right level for each person is something that we pride ourselves on. We'll guide you through adapting so that it suits you, all the way back to simply dancing in your kitchen in your undies or just going for a walk. We'll help you at the beginning plan out when to move, when to train and you'll have follow along sessions to use when you want in your app. We'll help you to ease in gently, you'll be surprised how quickly you improve, all at your own pace, with me guiding you and the others encouraging you.
  • What if I can't make all the weekly live Q and A's or the group hypnotherapy sessions?
    No problem at all, they'll be saved in the group for when you have the time and you can submit a question for me to answer for you, and all of the hypnotherapy sessions are recorded and saved for you in the app.
  • I am really busy, have kids that eat different things and don't have the time for loads of food prep. Will I have to spend hours on food prep?
    Absolutely not! If you want to prep all your food for the week because that helps you and you want to go full on Tupperware wanker then that's ace! But if the thought of this horrifies you, that's totally cool too. We will show you ways to improve your existing habits, and manage your portion sizes, improving your meals for you and your family in a way that works. We would never judge you either way and will help you find the best option for you.
  • When is the live group coaching call?
    It's on Monday afternoons at 1pm on zoom. All recorded and uploaded to the app for you to watch when you have time with a cuppa and a notebook.

    The Group Hypnotherapy sessions are every week for the first 4 weeks on Tuesday at 1pm. You'll receive a recording afterwards to listen to each day, and if you can't attend live, this will still be super effective.

    If the general consensus of the group is that you'd prefer an evening we can choose the one that accommodates the majority.
  • I've tried lots of things before, how is this different?
    I know that you've probably arrived here having tried pretty much everything. Most of those things are the same, and focus just on the what you should be doing, what you shouldn't be eating and how you should train, with very little support. At Rebel, we focus on the WHY and the HOW.

    We use the amazing science of behaviour change combined with Hypnotherapy to help you to change your subconscious beliefs as well as your habits and lifestyle, and to help you to feel calmer, less anxious and more able to make choices that take you closer towards how you want to feel.

    We also provide energy clearing sessions every two weeks, and a monthly live Conscious Connected Breathwork session to help you to regulate your nervous system and feel less stressed and more present.

  • It works better for me to split the cost is that ok?
    Yes, we've got you covered.

    You can pay upfront and benefit from a discount for doing so, or you can choose to pay for this programme over two or three months whichever works best for you.

    You'll pay your first payment today and then your payments will go out on or around the same day each month for either another one or two payments.

  • What if want some 1:1 support? I'm worried I can't do it on my own!
    Our programme is comprehensive with lots of support, but we do often have clients who need a little extra tlc and someone walking alongside them while they're getting started. And this is totally cool! You have an onboarding 1:1 at the beginning of your programme and you can choose to add on accountability and support

In the first 4 weeks, we rewire the way you think about yourself and food, and give you access to calm with 4 x optional hypnotherapy sessions.

We'll get you set so you know exactly what to expect and when, setting some goals and working out what motivates you, so that there is nothing that you need to worry about.

Step by step nutrition habits that you're guided through each week, all delivered through our pretty awesome little app! 

12 weeks of support to improve your movement, in whatever way that means for you. Whether that's walking, running, making use of a whole bank of recorded classes or a programme for you to take into the gym if that is what you prefer. If there is anything you are stuck with or you need changing, I am just a message away.

Weekly live Q and A in the group for live group coaching for you to get answers that are specific to you and your life. 

Weekly group call to course correct and get direct support to get to the deep stuff that brings about the real lasting change. 

Guided meditation sessions each week to help you manage stress and feel more relaxed and in control.

Weekly check ins through the app to set your aims for the week and then check in with how you did to help you flex the muscle of accountability 

Group challenges and support from the other people who are Rewiring, encouraging each other and most importantly making it fun! 

We'll celebrate your progress, how you feel, and improvements in your fitness and ability so you can really see how much you've improved. It's not all about the scales, far from it! 

Contact information

Billing address

Rebel Rewire 5.0 starts on 11th September 2023 and gives me 12 weeks of support, encouragement, classes and guidance as part of the programme.

By signing up now, I instantly get access to the academy, our app and online class recordings and weekly group coaching calls for free.

I acknowledge there are no refunds, and that my success will depend on me making the best use of the support available.

At the end of the 12 weeks, I can choose to stay in the Academy on a monthly basis or I can opt in for the Rebel membership for life as a part of signing up now.

I agree
Checking this box means that you agree to the above.

Super charge your results by adding 1:1

Direct Access to Lisa, to accelerate your progress for £1000
Add 1:1 support throughout  through voice notes and messages through the app giving you direct access to Lisa

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    2 x £800 a month (£1600 in total)2x £800.00
  • Preferred option
    One-time payment £1500- includes in depth audit and personalised plan£1500.00
  • Preferred option
    3 x £600 a month (£1800 in total) 3x £600.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Rebel Rewire 5.0£0

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  • Total payment
  • 1xRebel Rewire 5.0£0

All prices in GBP
